Rainfall statistics for the globe

Globe with clouds and rain on one side

Struggling to find rainfall information in your part of the world?

Satellite-based measurements can help, and we've done the hard work to analyze it for you.

Young girl holding umbrella in the rain, wearing gumboots and splashing in puddle

Need data for flood modeling or infrastructure design?

We can give you average recurrence interval (ARI) or annual exceedance probability (AEP) data for sub-daily to multi-week durations (1 hour to 18 weeks). Known around the world by various names such as design rainfall, precipitation frequency, intensity-duration-frequency or depth-duration-frequency.

House under water, man in boat with paddle

Have rain gauge data but not in the right place or at the right duration?

Use your local data to scale and calibrate satellite-based estimates at your location of interest. In fact, we recommend this, because rain gauges measure rainfall directly and are generally more accurate than remote (satellite) measurements.

Weather station on hill, raining

As used by engineers from companies like

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